Church Thoughts

Social division

churchI have seen a report about the cost of social division within society, apparently it will costs us billions a year  – enough to pay off the national debt no doubt.

Anyway, once again, it seems to me the answer is already there – church. Christianity has always had a belief in equality at its heart – “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.Galatians 3:28.  I find it very interesting that every now and then someone comes along and works out the financial cost of the lack of support for the church in the UK.

I’m not suggesting that the church has never been complicit in the divisions within society but I am suggesting that a good strong church can break down barriers that divide. If we are going to live and work together across all barriers then we have to a reason for doing so, you can’t just pass a law or pour money into the problem there has to be a reason for people of different backgrounds to come together. Maybe this problem is also made worse by the increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor – but that is a post for another day.

Once again the answer to this countries problems is simple – support your local church.

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